Beckers Group

| CSR | Corporate Communications | Reporting |

The Beckers Group, a globally leading provider of industrial coatings and the global market leader in the production of coil coating, has taken significant steps towards sustainability transparency in close collaboration with our CSR, Corporate Communications, and Reporting team. Together, we have conceptualized, designed, and implemented the Digital Beckers Sustainability Report 2022.

The interactive website, which invites readers to explore further insights through various interactive points, presents Beckers' sustainability efforts in a multifaceted manner. This includes, among other things, a video where employees from different countries illustrate the company's sustainability goals. Modernly designed magazine pages provide glimpses into Beckers' sustainability stories and link to the company's homepage for in-depth information.

Other highlights of this Digital Sustainability Report include the publication of management approaches to material topics, a dashboard for transparently displaying goals and progress over the years, and a performance report in PDF format with essential metrics and graphics - all in accordance with the GRI guidelines. This comprehensive reporting underscores Beckers' commitment to a sustainable future and illustrates the progress made in achieving the company's sustainability goals.

Beckers Group