
| CSR | Consulting | Digital & Film | Reporting |

We support Haniel in many topics of STAKEHOLDER COMMUNICATION. In recent years, we have told the multi-faceted stories of the Group in all forms and formats: in movie and image, digitally with an online report and in elaborate print productions (company magazine), in social media posts as well as in long reports. We also support sustainability communication with a suitable and target group-specific sustainability report (CSR Report).

For the communication about the 2018 financial year, e.g. the focus was placed on the open door of the family equity company, which opens dynamically and invitingly in the digital report.

Family equity Netzwerke gestalten
Grafik offene Tür
Wir entwickeln unternehmen
Im Austausch
Die Familie und das Unternehmen Haniel
Suchen und finden
Haniel Filter animation

Zitat von Ulrich Dickel

HANIEL IS A GERMAN FAMILY EQUITY COMPANY, that, with the professionalism of a private equity investor, creates a diversified portfolio with different business models and feels committed to the values of a family business. The connection of the two worlds plays an important role in communication.