| CSR |

LBS WEST STRENGTHENS SUSTAINABILITY - There are only a few products in Germany in which the basic idea of sustainability is as firmly anchored as in building savings. „Building society savers pursue the dream of owning their own home with every savings contribution and at the same time make this money available to others to realize their dream“, Jörg Münning, CEO of LBS West describes this idea.

LBS West has been committed to sustainability - Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) - for many years. With our advice, she was the first regional building society within the LBS Group to formally anchor sustainability and submitted the first sustainability report in 2017. We accompanied LBS West in all phases of the formal introduction of CSR - from the concept of CSR, through CSR strategy planning and reporting, to the concept of regular CSR operations.

CSR Animation
Beratung Chart





LBS Magazin