

A bright and friendly look taking into account the corporate design characterizes both documents - the Nordex Annual Report and the Nordex Sustainability Report. Large images on the chapter separator pages provide visual highlights and structure the extensive PDF versions of the reports.

The Sustainability Report focuses on the new Sustainability Strategy 2025, describing Nordex's contribution to sustainability under the motto "Together for Change - Wind for a Sustainable Future". We were able to support Nordex in writing the text and preparing the content of the new strategy.

For the annual report, we advised and supported Nordex primarily with regard to the mandatory report section. In close cooperation with Investor Relations and the Finance department, the content and language of the management report was optimized with regard to the specific information needs of the most important addressees. Wind energy is a global growth industry in transition. Regional shifts in demand and the drive towards falling electricity production costs and more efficient turbines are shaping the market environment.

Nordex is a leading global supplier of onshore wind turbines in the multi-megawatt class. Its portfolio comprises the development and production of the entire system as well as comprehensive services for the planning, installation and ongoing operation of the turbines.

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