Stromnetz Hamburg

| CSR | Consulting | Reporting |

Strong for Hamburg - Stromnetz Hamburg GmbH is the owner of the electricity distribution network and supplies around 1.2 million households and traders in the Hanseatic city with electricity. In this way, Stromnetz Hamburg makes a positive contribution to economic strength and labor market development in Hamburg and the surrounding area.

Various and innovative topics related to "Smart City Hamburg", e-mobility, charging infrastructure etc. are presented in articles of different lengths in a varied layout. Concise lead photos combined with a clear message introduce the respective chapter, illustrate the strengths of the company and contribute to the claim "Strong for Hamburg". The interplay of striking typography and detailed, fine elements makes the report varied and lively. In order to ensure a high-quality haptic impression, the report was printed on a natural paper that is characterized by a very high whiteness, FSCĀ®-certified and has been awarded the Blue Environment Angel and the EU Ecolabel.

Stromnetz Inhalte