Seeing sustainability as an opportunity - integrating CSR in the DNA

Sustainability or CSR are nowadays important factors for successful company development. We support our customers in the successful (further) development of their CSR activities. From the analysis and summary of the sustainability strategy, to the analysis of the CSR status as well as an action-based CSR roadmap. We always keep an eye on the appropriate non-financial performance indicators.

We also support reporting - whether in the situation report or sustainability report. Not theoretically, but very practically. Because our experts write and develop with great passion for our customers interesting CSR reports and non-financial statements which are read with pleasure. This is how we shed light on the jungle of regulations through the CSR Directive Implementation Act (CSR-RUG), SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) of the UN, DNK (German Sustainability Code), GRI (Global Reporting Initiative), EFFAS (The European Federation of Financial Analysts Societies), International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC), UN Global Compact and others.

As required, we also support the active stakeholder dialogue - conceptualizing, advising, editing or implementing across media.

> 10 years of CSR experience

Our approach for a successful, efficient and cost-neutral conception, organizational development and implementation of the CSR work   and   reporting has been proven in countless customer projects. It basically follows a three-phase process:

CSR Nachhaltigkeit - Silvester Group
Beratung Chart





We offer CSR expertise - cost-efficient and pragmatic:

  • CSR Strategy

  • CSR Processes

  • Materiality

  • CSR Reporting

  • Integrated Reporting (IIRC)

  • Stakeholder Dialogue

  • GRI, GC & CD Consultation

  • Integrated Anual Reports, Sustainability Reports, Environmental Statements




Stromnetz Hamburg