Today, sustainability, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) or the management of ESG factors ("Ecological, Social, Governmental“) is essential for successful corporate development. We help our clients to effectively develop and enhance their CSR activities, whether that involves analysing and providing an overview of their sustainability strategy, analysing their CSR status or creating a CSR roadmap based on tangible action. We keep relevant non-financial performance indicators in mind throughout this process.
We also provide support for management and sustainability reporting – with a steady focus on the practical rather than the theoretical. Our experts are passionate about writing and developing engaging CSR reports and non-financial statements that are a pleasure to read. This way, we shed light on the jungle of standards, legal regulations, guidelines, ESG ratings or initiatives:
From the CSR Directive Implementation Act (CSR-RUG) to the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) or Sustainable Finance Declaration Regulation (SFDR), from SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) to the Global Compact Initiative or the UN Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), on the standards of the GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) or the DNK (German Sustainability Code) as well as guidelines and recommendations of EFFAS (The European Federation of Financial Analysts Societies), TCFD (Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures) or the Science Based Target Initiative (SBTI) in the field of climate and environmental accounting.
Where appropriate, we also help clients to foster active stakeholder dialogue, from designing and advising to editing and executing a strategy across all media.
Our approach to successful, efficient and cost-neutral design, organisational development and implementation of CSR work and reporting has proven effective in countless client projects. This process consists of three essential phases:
CSR strategy
CSR processes
CSR reporting
Integrated reporting (IIRC)
Stakeholder dialogue
GRI, GC & CD Consultation
Integrated anual reports, sustainability reports, environmental statements
CSR Projects:
For a list
of our clients
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